Mouse IL22RA2 siRNA from ABBEXA LTD

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Product NameMouse IL22RA2 siRNA
DescriptionsiRNA to inhibit IL22RA2 expression using RNA interference.

This product is provided as three 5 nmol vials (15 nmol) or 2x three 5 nmol vials (30 nmol) of lyophilized siRNA oligo duplexes. Each vial contains slightly different sequences to ensure full knockout of the gene. The duplexes can be transfected individually or pooled together to achieve knockdown of the target gene, which is most commonly assessed by qPCR or western blot. Purity > 97%.
Size15 nmol, 30 nmol
Other NamesInterleukin 22 Receptor Alpha 2, IL22Ra2, IL22RA2, Interleukin-22 receptor subunit alpha-2, Cytokine receptor class-II member 10, Cytokine receptor family 2 member 10, Cytokine receptor family type 2, soluble 1, Interleukin-22-binding protein, ZcytoR16, IL-22R-Alpha-2, IL-22RA2, CRF2-10, CRF2-S1, IL-22BP, Interleukin 22-Binding Protein, IL-22 Receptor Subunit Alpha-2, Interleukin-22-Binding Protein, IL22BP, CRF2X, Interleukin 22 Receptor Alpha 2 siRNA, IL22Ra2 siRNA, IL22RA2 siRNA, Interleukin-22 receptor subunit alpha-2 siRNA, Cytokine receptor class-II member 10 siRNA, Cytokine receptor family 2 member 10 siRNA, Cytokine receptor family type 2, soluble 1 siRNA, Interleukin-22-binding protein siRNA, ZcytoR16 siRNA, IL-22R-Alpha-2 siRNA, IL-22RA2 siRNA, CRF2-10 siRNA, CRF2-S1 siRNA, IL-22BP siRNA, Interleukin 22-Binding Protein siRNA, IL-22 Receptor Subunit Alpha-2 siRNA, Interleukin-22-Binding Protein siRNA, IL22BP siRNA, CRF2X siRNA
Gene, Accession, CAS #IL22RA2, Gene ID: 237310, UniProt: Q80XF5
Catalog #abx920483
Priceplease inquire
Order / More InfoMouse IL22RA2 siRNA from ABBEXA LTD
Product Specific Referencesn/a
181 Cambridge Science Park
Cambridge, CB4 0GJ UK
P: +44 (0) 1223 755950

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