Antibody Systems (ASI) is a major producer of diagnostic and therapeutic biological materials for research and manufacturing applicants. These products are available for both national and international corporations. They are used primarily by pharmaceutical companies for the development of new drugs or test kits. For nearly 30 years, we have procured raw materials for such developmental products as Hepatitis B Vaccine, RHo-D, B-PIG, and IND vaccines to produce hyperimmune plasma and infectious disease diagnostic controls. ASi's staff of regulatory experts have experience with "Investigational New Drug" applications. Our physicians and immunologists have extensive experience in developing protocols for Vaccine, Hyperimmune Plasma, Interferon, and other immunological clinical trials.
ASI's Research and Development department is moving forward with three current projects. ASI currently has a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the CDC. Through the CRADA, ASI is a co-discoverer of a new viral vector that has the potential of gene delivery or vaccine development. ASI also has a CRADA with Vector, a Russian Biotech Institute, with whom ASI has committed funds and staff to find new prophylaxis to counter biological weapons of mass destruction. ASI's third project involves the Komodo dragon and the development of a new antibiotic from a small molecule found in this animal's blood serum.
ASI specializes in retrieving rare and unusual biological products throughout the world, and has vast experience in a wide range of such procurements.